
Soul Sapiens: a self-explorative approach to the definition of a Soul Being...

“...I started healing and letting go of control in my life and therefore in my art and that’s how it evolved...”

Multidimensional Art - Soulpiens are beings in their truest form. Their truest nature. Supernatural.

Soulpiens exude light. They fear nothing. Other worldly beings. They’re more than people, they are soul beings. A SOULPIEN. A series that reminds people to take life lightly, walk in truth and be yourself. It inspires a better version of yourself, to live fearlessly and unapologetically.

Fascinated with robots, Zadi, the brainchild behind Soulpiens, brought her doodles to life. “For a long time, I thought my drawings were robots.” She explains that a friend helped her realize, during a period of self-reflection. The robots were a mirror of herself and the need to be perfect. She realized that she needed to loosen up her grip. Literally and figuratively. Overnight, the perfect robots evolved to “beings” in their truest form. They weren’t robots they were soul beings.

“I would place my pen to the paper and begin drawing what I felt and what I saw. This fresh perspective is all part of my journey. I think everyone is just a walking cartoon. My drawings are animated. I think we’re all animated and view life as an animation.”

Her influence and inspiration to create comes from her childhood and present life. Zadi, a Cape Verdean-American visual artist, pulls from her cultural influence, surrounding environment, personas, dance and fashion. As Zadi continues to grow and thrive, so will her work...

“It’s a perfect demonstration of who I am today, what I encompass and how I view people. I want everyone to recognize the soul being in themselves. A Soulpien.”